Woman looking at her scalp in the mirror

Birthmarks are common skin markings that are present at birth or develop shortly afterwards. While many birthmarks remain stable throughout life, some can change in size, shape, or color. Understanding the nature of these changes and when they might be cause for concern is crucial for maintaining skin health. The board-certified dermatologists at Certified Dermatology in New Jersey are well-equipped to monitor and address any changes in your birthmarks.

What Are Birthmarks?

Birthmarks come in various forms and are generally categorized into two types: pigmented and vascular. Pigmented birthmarks, like moles and café-au-lait spots, are caused by excess skin pigment cells. Vascular birthmarks, such as hemangiomas and port-wine stains, result from abnormal blood vessels in the skin.

Growth Patterns of Birthmarks

Infantile Growth

Certain birthmarks, especially vascular ones like hemangiomas, are known to grow rapidly during the first few months of a child's life before eventually stabilizing and sometimes regressing. It’s important for parents to monitor these changes and consult with a dermatologist to understand the implications.

Hormonal Influence

Hormonal changes during puberty, pregnancy, or menopause can affect birthmarks. For instance, moles can darken or grow during these periods due to hormonal fluctuations. Regular check-ups with a dermatologist can help ensure these changes are benign.

Environmental Factors

Sun exposure can influence the growth and appearance of pigmented birthmarks. Protecting your skin from UV rays is an essential part of managing the health and appearance of birthmarks.

When to Consult a Dermatologist

It’s essential to monitor any changes in your birthmarks, particularly if they begin to grow rapidly, change color, or become painful or itchy. These changes can sometimes be a sign of skin cancer. The experts at Certified Dermatology can provide thorough examinations and advise on any necessary treatments or interventions.

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Routine Monitoring and Assessment

Board-certified dermatologists at Certified Dermatology use state-of-the-art diagnostic tools to assess and monitor birthmarks. Tools like dermatoscopy help distinguish benign from potentially malignant changes in the skin, ensuring accurate diagnoses and appropriate management.

Treatment and Management at Certified Dermatology

Cosmetic and Medical Interventions

For those concerned about the appearance or growth of birthmarks, various treatment options are available. Laser treatments can be effective, especially for certain types of vascular birthmarks. For pigmented birthmarks that show suspicious changes, surgical removal might be recommended to eliminate the risk of skin cancer.

Personalized Care

At Certified Dermatology in New Jersey, personalized care tailored to the unique needs of each patient is a priority. The dermatologists there understand the intricacies of skin changes and provide treatments that respect the health and aesthetic concerns of their patients.


While birthmarks can grow or change over time, understanding these changes is key to maintaining skin health. With the support of the experienced dermatologists at Certified Dermatology in New Jersey, patients can navigate the complexities of skin changes with confidence. Regular check-ups and proactive skin care are vital in ensuring that any significant changes are addressed promptly and effectively.

Find the Certified Dermatology location nearest you today.

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